Some ideas about building in public(BIP)
Published: 2022-08-11

WARNING: all this is for self-reference and not really intended for public reading but publishing it anyway.

If you have no idea about what is building in public is, watch this video.

These are not my words but mostly nice comments paraphrased/copied from the internet.

  • The hardest part of starting a startup/company is getting people to care. Startups don’t die because of competition, startups die because people don’t care about your product - CopyAI guys
  • Fall in love with a problem not a solution or product. Usually it’s best to find a narrow set of users who have this problem and explore around the problem to get a better picture of it.

General Idea

  • When you build in public, you get a whole lot of people invested in the product’s success because you’re being an authentic entrepreneur and folks want to see you succeed.
    • Even if your audience isn’t your target customer (ideally they would be), people generally want to see others succeed, and will help you on that path if you make it easy for them.
  • For the indie hacker crowd - if you’re really early on or working on multiple projects, each project starts you from square 1. You have to work up acquisition channels, get people to talk to about your idea, and slowly acquire customers.
    • If you decide to pursue something different, you’re back to 0.
    • When you build in public, you accumulate an audience that goes with YOU and not your product specifically, and you can use that as a head start when you decide to make a pivot.
    • This makes building in public a good fit for me. 🌟

Additional tips

  • Make sure to be building in public where your customer are! If you’re building in the startup space, twitter might work for you because a lot of founders and marketers are there.
  • Be authentic! People can immediately tell if something feels a bit more scripted.
  • Consistency in posting and engaging. Fans and audiences are built one person at a time. Build a genuine connection and engage with your audience.
  • When you’re sharing updates, you have to be a learner yourself. You’re probably not an expert, you don’t have to pretend to be an expert. Be honest in this honest journey
  • If you can give things out, give.
  • Expecting to get an audience overnight is a pipe dream.
  • Don’t share everything, always package it in a way so that someone can learn something from you. There’s a lot to learn from failures.
