Command line data processing summary
Published: 2023-10-27

This is a rabbit hole and this is my attempt at summarizing each tool so that i can know which one to use when needed.

Usecase Canonical Example Description
JSON preprocessor jq jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
Interactive jq ijq jq, but interactive. Alternatives to this(eg. jless, jqp, fx ), but this is my favorite.
CLI data query/analysis duckdb Alternatives, ch-local, dsq(deprecated), textql,sqlite
CSV data processing miller Somewhat like sed/awk for tabular data. Alternatives, (dasel,xsv)
Data viz for SQL datasette Datasette Lite also allows data manipulation etc.
Data viz for any data in CLI visidata view almost any data, also play around
Data viz for csv tv view csv data