ProtocolBuffers, when to use any and oneof
Published: 2024-01-29

This is a TODO blogpost I need to comeback to it, following is the dump i need to start w

import "action/v1/action.proto";

//  Rather than doing this, action should just take in ACTION_TYPE enum
//  Then should take the details as "ANY"
//  We can then validate the contents of the ANY in our application code.
//  We'll get the structure of the content of "ANY" from actions.proto
//  That seems like a much better approach that what is being done currently
// Event represents an event in a match.
message Event {
  string event_id = 201;
  string match_id = 200;
  oneof action {
    action.v1.ReceiptDetails action_receipt = 1;
    action.v1.KickDetails action_kick = 2;